About me

Hi, hopefully you have found your way here from my CV. If so, thank you for taking the time to read my CV and to visit this site.

As someone who has built a team in the past, I appreciate that finding the correct person for the role you have is time consuming and often is not your top priority.

To sum up my C.V., I am someone who has worked at the nexus of technology and marketing for over 15 years. I am interested in both and have endeavored to learn as much about each as I can.

I strongly believe in what I am responsible for is always of high quality. I believe I should be held accountable for my work.

I have created the best performing websites in Salesforce and I am responsible for more web properties than anyone else in the company; 15 websites and 11 blogs.

For an events driven company like Salesforce, 2020 was a challenging year. I proved that I was able to add real value to the business by transforming the physical events program to a highly successful online events program.

In so doing, I had to communicate complex digital processes to a less than tech savvy audience and in most cases, fully understand their business need so that we could achieve it through technology.

I have been very lucky working for a great company like salesforce for so long, but I am ready for a new challenge.

Thanks again,

Aonghus Flynn